Orchard Park Fire District
Commissioner's Meetings take place 2nd Tuesday of every Month, Located at 4222 S. Taylor Road, and begin at 7pm


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Become a Volunteer Firefighter today!

Stop by, email, or call for information on how to join 

FASNY Brochure

About Us.

Located within the Town of Orchard Park, New York, the Orchard Park Fire District was formed in 1924. Over the years the Fire District expanded from a small Volunteer Fire District to its present status that consists of three Volunteer Fire Companies. The oldest being the Orchard Park Fire Company, followed by Windom Volunteer Fire Company and finally the Hillcrest Fire Company. The Orchard Park Fire District is governed by a Board of Fire Commissioners, and is operated by the District Chief of Orchard Park Fire District.

The District provides service to the town of Orchard Park, located in Erie County, New York. The Fire District covers approximately 37 square miles and was formed after the need for fire protection in rural areas proved necessary. The area protected at that time was a small rural community that included residential homes and rural farming communities. Today the District is well recognized in the community and in Erie County as a leader in Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). It’s three Fire Companies receive support from citizens and local businesses whenever needed and the District thanks the community for their support of our Fire Companies regarding Fire and EMS, without community support these efforts would go without notice. The District provides Fire and Emergency Medical Services to approximately 30,000 people that reside in the Orchard Park, Windom and Hillcrest Fire Companies with our coverage area including Highmark Stadium, home of the Buffalo BillsBills Logo, and Chestnut Ridge Park.  Here's our District Map

The majority of the firefighters and medical personnel are dual trained. When an emergency call comes in they are toned and respond within minutes. The Hillcrest Fire Company also has the support of a Women’s Auxiliary unit.

The Fire District also supports a Fire Explorers unit that is trained to assist when needed to support the Fire Companies. We hope that you enjoy your web experience and visit us often. Please feel free to stop in at any of the District Fire Stations on Monday evening between 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM during our weekly drills. We welcome your visit.

District Staff.

OPFD Commissioners

Mark Szczepanik

William Hanrahan


Robert Benning
Edmond Jensen Jr.
Frank Wierzbowski

~ ~ ~

Orchard Park Fire Commissioners
PO Box 1290
Orchard Park, NY 14127

District Fire Chief

Jay Knavel

Email Jay

District EMS Coordinator

Jacob Galas

District Fire Training Officer

Chris Couell

District Staff

Click the Department Title to view more information

District Secretary

Roberta Buczkowski

District Treasurer

Nicholas Enser

District Administrator

Monica Thielemann


Michael Chelus



Orchard Park Fire Company

30 School St., Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 662-5774
More Company Information
Robert Germano

Windom Fire Company

3736 Abbott Rd, Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 648-0064
More Company Information
Michael J Carey

Hillcrest Fire Company

7125 Ellicott Rd, Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 662-3950
More Company Information
Ron Hendershot



4222 S. Taylor Rd., Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 662-2619

Visit Our Page


OPFD Jr. Firefighters

4222 S. Taylor Rd., Orchard Park, NY 14127


Partners and Associates


Michael Chelus
Main Court Building
438 Main Street, 10th Floor
Buffalo, New York 14202-3208
PH: +1-716-852-3600
FX: +1-716-852-0038
E-Mail: mchelus@cheluslaw.com

Newspaper Media

The Orchard Park Bee
5564 Main Street PO Box 150
Buffalo, New York 14231-0150
PH: +1-716-632-4700
FX: +1-716-633-8601


Fire District Secretary: Roberta Buczkowski

Roberta has been with the Orchard Park Fire District as Secretary for the Board of Fire Commissioners since 1990. Roberta is a lifelong resident of the town of Orchard Park and brings knowledge of the town to the Board of Fire Commissioners. She is responsible for the monthly minutes of the board meetings, which are held on the second Tuesday of every month, and she maintains all records and legal notices for the district. In November, she oversees the Fire District Election of officers for the positions of District Chief and District Fire Commissioners.

District Mobile: +1-716-983-6077

Links open in a new tab

Fire District Work Sessions

Recent Minutes
February 2025
January 2025
August 2024
November 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022

Minutes Archive

Recorded Meetings

Organizational Meeting Minutes

Jan 2025
Jan 2024


Fire District Treasurer: Nicholas Enser

The Treasurer is the Fiscal Officer of the District and is responsible for all the accounting and FP&A functions, working with the Board of Fire Commissioners, District Chief, audit partners, and the Office of the New York State Comptroller.

District E-mail: treasurer@opfiredistrict.org

Links open in a new tab

Budget Information

2025 Adopted

2024 Proposed

2023 Proposed

2023 Adopted

Financial Archive
Budget Archive(Opens a new tab)

Tax Information

NYS Exemption

Misc. Information

NYSLRS ROA Thielemann

Bank Information

Key Bank
4191 North Buffalo Street
Orchard Park, New York 14127

Evans Bank N.A.
6460 Main Street
Williamsville, NY 14221

District Auditor

Bonadio & Co., LLP
100 Corporate Parkway Suite 200
Amherst, New York 14226
p(716) 250-6600
f(716) 250-6605

District Administrator.

Fire District Administrator: Monica Thielemann

The Administrator works closely with the Board of Fire Commissioners and the District Chief, serving as a point of contact, and administering multiple facets of the organization.

District Administrator E-mail: districtadministrator@opfiredistrict.org

District E-mail: mthielemann@opfiredistrict.org


Master Agreement


Sample certificate of Liability Ins.
Sample Certificate

Sample cert. of Ins. Request Letter
Sample Letter

Workers Comp

OPFD Workers Comp Info

OPFDEMS Workers Comp Info

Orchard Park Fire Company

30 School St. ("Central")
2989 Southwestern Blvd ("North")

The Orchard Park Fire Company was incorporated in the year 1883 by a group of local men to serve the Hamlet of Orchard Park and the Town of East Hamburg. In those years the Company consisted of nothing more than a ladder and a bucket brigade. It was not until the very early 1900's that the company acquired an old frame building on East Quaker Street to become the first fire station.

Just before World War I the first piece of apparatus was purchased by the company. It was a horse drawn wagon with a motorized rotary water pump. A few years later a chemical truck was placed in service.

Since that period the Fire Company was evolved into one of the most highly trained and well equipped fire units in the area, and now comprises nearly 100 active firefighters and six pieces of apparatus housed in two up to date fire stations.

The Orchard Park Fire Company meets on the first Tuesday of each month. All correspondence can be forwarded to:
P.O. Box 1140, Orchard Park, NY 14127-1140


Robert Germano

1st Assistant Chief 9-1
Tim Gibbons

2nd Assistant Chief 9-2
Paul Gorczyca

Fire Captain 9-3
Steve Majstorovic

Fire Captain 9-4
Ryan Kelly

Rescue Captain 7-1
Will Aubrecht

Lieutenant Lt.6
Matt Humnicky

Lieutenant Lt.7
Connor Moran

Lieutenant Lt.8
Slawomir (Slavic) Glowczynski

Corporate Officers

Michael P. Carey

Vice President
L. Paul Petrie

Correspond. Secretary
Tina Mikolajewski

Recording Secretary
Tara Scolese

Ruth Wooliver

Edmond Jensen

Richard Mrugalski

David K. Jensen

Windom Fire Company

3736 Abbott Rd.

Windom Volunteer Fire Company, at Abbott Rd and Olympic Avenue in Orchard Park, stands on a site that once held an old school house. The current building is additions to that building.

The fire company, formed in 1928, used to hold meetings in the school house, while the apparatus was parked in a garage across the street. The fire company bought the land in 1936 for $50.00, and the first of many additions was built the following year as a Federal Public Works Administration project. A second bay was added in 1953 to the one-bay cement block fire hall. Use of the two bays that were on the front was discontinued when the three new bays were added on the Olympic Avenue side in 1968. Another two bays were added in 1977 and new brick work was completed in 1999.

The fire company, which started with 20 members, today has 47 active members. It answered 71 calls between 1928 and 1935, compared with 748 in 2007.

The fire company provides fire and EMS services to 2500 families as well as providing protection to the 74,000 spectators that arrive for the Buffalo Bills football games.

Windom Volunteer Fire Company meets on the first Monday of each month.


Michael J Carey

1st Assistant Chief 9-1
Jacob Huff

2nd Assistant Chief 9-2
Jacob Leckel

Fire Captain 9-3
Shawn Wheaton

Fire Captain 9-4
Scott Corteau

Rescue Captain 7-1
Rachel McNamara

Lieutenant Lt.1
Justin Kranz

Lieutenant Lt.2
John Lockwood

Lieutenant Lt.7
Dakota Jarka

Lieutenant Lt.8
Dennis Goss

Corporate Officers

Robert Baun

Vice President
Dan Metz

Correspond. Secretary
Thomas Held

Recording Secretary
Marylyn Weichmann

Donna Breirtwieser

Karl Held

Sam Rotino

Paul Held

Sergeant at Arms
Chet Covers

Parade Marshall

Hillcrest Fire Company

7125 Ellicott Rd.

Organized February 18th 1955, the 68 year history of the Hillcrest Fire Company has seen its fair amount of changes, challenges, and incidents.

From the cramped humble beginnings of the "Old Hall" to the current five bay digs, the one thing the Hillcrest Family has never been short on is its unique sense of family and friendship. The character of this organization can be traced to those early days when money was short but dedication and sense of duty paid the bills.

From the first fire fought in a hand me down pumper courtesy of the Orchard Park Fire Department, to a 2004 American La France fully enclosed cab, the solid roots of our past keep us growing healthy today.

It is very possible our Charter Members never heard about, let alone ventured onto the information highway, but it is for their efforts that current and future members of the Hillcrest family dedicate this website.


Ron Hendershot

1st Assistant Chief 9-1
Dave Stromecki

2nd Assistant Chief 9-2
Karl Blomback

Fire Captain 9-3
Ernie Matthews

Fire Captain 9-4
Christine Davenport

Rescue Captain 7-1
Greg Gill

Lieutenant Lt.1
Christian Benning

Lieutenant Lt.2
Dan Phillips

Lieutenant Lt.7
Kim Atwater

Lieutenant Lt.8
Jason Stuhr

Corporate Officers

Peter Slotman

Vice President
Ernie Matthews

Correspond. Secretary

Recording Secretary
Bob Davis

Kim Atwater

Dave Stromecki



Sergeant at Arms
George Slocum

Members Information

© 2025 All Rights reserved. Orchard Park Fire District